AHEAD Kick-off meeting in Campobasso, Italy

AHEAD Kick-off meeting in Campobasso, Italy

The first transnational project meeting of the AHEAD project took place in Campobasso, Italy between 26th and 28th February 2018 hosted by the Università degli studi del Molise, Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Food Sciences (DAEFS).

The meeting allowed for a review and in-depth examination of all project activities and the intellectual outputs set in the project proposal. The partners had the opportunity to take a closer look and fully understand project management issues including the work programme; project requirements; distribution of tasks; reporting rules; partnership agreements; quality management plan and project dissemination.

During the second day the participants focused on national and regional innovation systems covering both the good practices from the Programme countries – UK and Italy, and the current state and conditions in the Partner countries – Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. A session on the innovation systems in each partner university was envisaged where the African HEIs shared their experience. It was followed by a Joint development of the Guidance and benchmarking tool for institutional self-assessment where partners worked in groups to assess the applicability of the tool to the institutional context.

The kick-off meeting was attended by 33 representatives from the 15 partner organizations including rectors, vice-chancellors; lecturers and researchers; project managers and other academic staff.  The participants had the chance to get to know each other and lay the foundations for a successful Capacity building partnership!